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Introduction: When Your Spouse Has Been in a Serious Injury Accident

It’s a moment frozen in time—one that throws your world into chaos and may even change your life forever. You get a phone call from the hospital: “Your spouse was in a serious car accident. She’s alive but badly injured. Can you come to the hospital right away?”

Perhaps even worse—maybe you’re in the car when the accident occurs. Your own injuries may be negligible, but you look over to see your husband or wife bleeding, unconscious, or screaming in pain.

Something has gone horribly wrong. A lot of things now need to go right—and quickly—to begin turning this situation around. Your spouse needs immediate medical attention. You need to document evidence of the crash. You need to notify family, friends and children. You’ll have to deal with insurance, medical bills, work absences, and childcare. Your husband or wife may face a long recovery time and—depending on the severity of the injuries—possibly extended care. And you’ll need a good attorney to help you get settlement money to pay for it all.

It’s a huge number of details to think about—but in the horror and urgency of this moment, you can’t even begin to address them. All you can think about is your loved one’s condition and whether they’ll be okay.

Not to worry—we have your back. I’ve created the following series of posts [book] to help you recall all those elusive details in the aftermath of a serious accident. They will take you on a natural progression toward triaging your immediate situation and start your loved one and your family on the path toward wholeness again. Over these next pages, we’ll cover the following topics:

  • Questions you’ll need to consider, from medical treatments to long-term impacts.
  • What to do in the first week following the accident. The things you do during this time will give your family a firm footing to handle the weeks and months ahead.
  • How to find a good personal injury attorney to represent your spouse’s interests, to handle the legal details you can’t get your mind around right now.
  • Re-establishing a home routine.
  • How to return to work, or fill in the financial gaps left by missing work.
  • Shoring up your budget to accommodate your new reality (including seeing a financial planner, if necessary).
  • Dealing with the psychological aftermath of the accident.
  • Tracking the recovery process and dealing with issues that may arise.
  • Dealing with the legal piece—how to pursue a fair conclusion for your case and get the compensation your spouse and family need.
  • Returning to normal, or finding a “new normal.”

By the time we conclude this series, you should be well equipped with the information you need to navigate the troubled waters of a serious injury accident should the unthinkable happen. And you can refer back to these pages at any time to recall anything you might have forgotten.

Watching a spouse undergo a traumatic accident can be horrifying—even more so to endure the suffering afterward—but you’re not alone. Not only can you get through it, but with the help of this series [book], you and your spouse can find your way back to a normal life after the serious injury accident. Let’s begin.

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Riah Greathouse

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